I know someone who sometimes just starts cleaning/tidying up and there's just no stopping her. She doesn't clean/tidy her own stuff/rooms much, in fact they are messy+she seems to keep getting a lot of stuff she doesn't need. She's often doing other people's gardening without asking them first and tidies/cleans/move stuff round in my room without permission - in fact I've asked her to please stop but she takes no notice. I am disabled and an adult so I do need help but it's overstepping the boundaries.
I'm just wondering what is it that makes you/other people do this? Stress? If so, is it the same sort of thing people say to you that causes this, or a certain thing that causes the stress or just in general? Upset? Anger? Frustration? Anxiety? A whole load of mixed emotions? Some way of having control over things? For example?